Friday, November 18, 2011

Iran's Insurgency Begins to Heat Up

The world has been watching the Syrian dictatorship fighting off an insurgency made up of army defectors and disaffected citizens, with Turkey warning Syria to stop murdering its civilians. And now, an insurgency movement inside Iran is apparently beginning to heat up.

Iran's insurgency is likely to have much larger global repercussions, because Iran's mullahcracy has been the center of so much regional discord and killing over the past 32 years -- from Gaza to Lebanon to Iraq to Saudi Arabia. Overthrowing the backward and bloody theocracy of Iran would be a significant step forward to world harmony, and the dismantling of the Russia - Iran - North Korea - Cuba - Venezuela axis of global destabilisation.

What we are beginning to see in Iran, is an upsurge in explosions targeting Iran's energy infrastructure, and its Iranian Revolutionary Guard in-house instrument of terror and murder. If the Iranian insurgency is able to reach into the heart of the Iranian government's terror apparatus, it is apparently serious about changing the established order.
These attacks on the Guards — the symbol of the regime’s intensifying repression and slaughter of the Iranian people — are part of a pattern that includes explosions at refineries and pipelines. At the same time, strikes have been spreading (and no wonder; up to 30,000 retired teachers have been waiting for their pensions for many months). In short, people have lost patience, and the smaller of the two explosions at the RG base was aimed at Major General Hasan Tehrani Moghaddam, one of the most brutal of the country’s military leaders.

Contrary to the inevitable suspicions of the thumb-suckers (the Americans did it! no, the Israelis did it! no, it was an accident!), the operation was planned and carried out by Iranians from the opposition-that-does-not-exist. They intended to demonstrate that no leader is safe from the people’s wrath (if that base can be penetrated, any place can, and if that man can be assassinated, anyone can), and that the opposition knows its gravediggers.

The second, larger, explosion was not planned, nor was the extremely high number of casualties (I am told that hundreds of people, including some “very important foreign dignitaries,” were blown up). That second blast was apparently from a quantity of liquid fuel designed to extend the speed and accuracy of Iran’s Shahab-3 missile, the one the mullahs hope will some day carry a nuclear warhead. My sources claim that the fuel caused the big white plume seen in the photographs. The cloud may well have caused respiratory problems for the survivors.

There is another, fascinating report, that right after the explosions, the two main Green Movement leaders, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, were taken from house arrest, leaving their wives behind. This bespeaks a high level of anxiety within the regime, suggesting that they feared an all-out assault was under way, and under those circumstances they would take vengeance on the two Green leaders. Whether or not the rumor is true, its existence suggests that Khamenei et. al. take a more serious view of the opposition than some of our own expert analysts.

What this all means is clear was only a matter of time until the opposition abandoned its commitment to non-violence. We are now in a new phase. A French analyst, Jean-Jacques Guillet, understands the situation very well, and has called for a Western policy to intensify the pressure on the Iranian regime in order to bring it down. “If we press the regime strongly,” he said, “there could be an implosion. The real objective these days should be the regime’s implosion, not more talk.”

Instead, we have leaders [Dumbama etc.] who still believe in the talking cure, and who seem not even to know what the Iranian opposition wants, even when it’s delivered to them in black and white. As it was, at the height of the turmoil in 2009. _PJMedia

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