Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama Zombies Elect a Socialist King

Once, America was populated by stubborn, independent thinking people who just wanted government to provide the services of protection from foreign intervention, and basic law enforcement and contract enforcement through the courts at home. Government was small, and reasonably inexpensive. That was then, this is now.

Now, most people in the US are dependent upon one type of government handout or another. Governments are the largest employers and the largest expense. And it is about to get a whole lot worse, thanks to Obama zombies at the polls.
Obama will move to change permanently the partisan balance in America. He will move quickly to legalize all those who have been in America for five years, albeit illegally, and to smooth their paths to citizenship and voting. He will weaken border controls in an attempt to hike the Latino vote as high as he can in order to make red states like Texas into blue states like California. By the time he is finished, Latinos and African-Americans will cast a combined 30 percent of the vote. If they go by top-heavy margins for the Democrats, as they did in 2008, it will assure Democratic domination (until they move up the economic ladder and become good Republicans).

And he will enact the check-off card system for determining labor union representation, repealing the secret ballot in union elections. The result will be to raise the proportion of the labor force in unions up to the high teens from the current level of about 12 percent.

Finally, he will use the expansive powers of the Federal Communications Commission to impose “local” control and ownership of radio stations and to impose the “fairness doctrine” on talk radio. The effect will be to drive talk radio to the Internet, fundamentally change its economics, and retard its growth for years hence.

But none of these changes will cure the depression. It will end when the private sector works through the high debt levels that triggered the collapse in the first place. And, then, the large stimulus package deficits will likely lead to rapid inflation, probably necessitating a second recession to cure it. _TheHill
Just as the 16th amendment -- the income tax -- was irreversible, and most of the 1930s New Deal and 1960s Great Society government programs became irreversible, so will Obama's socialist agenda for the 2000s and 2010s become irreversible and a permanent drag on the economy. Dependency on government handouts is getting worse, and not likely to ever get better until the current government defaults and is replaced by something better.

There will likely be decades of miserable mediocrity and stagnation between now and that "something better." If you voted for Obama, you are probably too stupid to ever understand your folly. Otherwise, you know that you need to prepare for massive government over-reach and predation.

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