Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Eurabia Shaping Up?

What about the 60+ million – soon to be 100 million-- legal 1st and 2nd generation Muslims already in the West? What about the possibility that it’s not Islam but Muslims that are the problem? After all, 1400 years of following an unchanged totalitarian dogma and marrying each other’s cousin, and 500 years of disdaining science and creativity, has at least as much to do with the character of a people as its religion does. _BrusselsJournal
Europeans are vanishing from Europe, just as legal and illegal Muslims are flooding into the continent. Many of Europe's largest and most important cities are already 25% Muslim -- which changes their characters entirely. Gangs of Muslim rapists and hooligans roam too many European streets as it is, but this is only the beginning.
According to statistics quoted by a Finnish blog, Somalis, who constitute 0.2% of Finland’s population, commit 12% of reported robberies. The Somali community in Finland, of course, lives at the taxpayers’ expense just as is does in every Western country where it’s present.

To import Somalis to such a singularly unmixed white and monocultural nation as Finland is a symptom of a galloping psychopathology. Not only that; the Finnish legal establishment actively prosecutes ethnic Finns who publish politically incorrect statements about Islam or Muslims. A blogger named Seppo Lehto was sentenced to long imprisonment and a large fine for “incitement against an ethnic group” and “disturbing religious worship.” To do this, the Finnish Body Snatchers had to dig up a blasphemy law so old that the first attempt to overturn it was made in 1914. And now, a Helsinki councilman and blogger Jussi Halla-aho will be tried for blasphemy, for having written that Muhammad was a pedophile. _BJ
The insanity of tribal Islam transplanted into Europe matches the insanity of the politically correct enablers of uncivilised Muslim behaviours. No wonder nationalist parties are starting to swell across the countries of Europe.
Jihad is not the cause. It’s a symptom. Aggressively separatist Muslim communities in the West are not the cause. They are a symptom.

The symptom, in the West, is as old as the Goths and the Huns. But the disease is as old as the end of the Roman Empire, and before that, the Babylonian one. Flowering followed by decadence, followed by a partial population replacement with imported barbarians, followed by chaos, internal war, and wilting.

Addressing the solipsistic degeneracy of the American Empire and the despairing self-asphyxiation of post-national Europe are a precondition for disposing of the symptom. Fighting the symptom as if it were disembodied cannot bring cure, since the body’s maimed autoimmune system recognizes Islam and Muslims as its own, and its own – the anti-Islamization dissident – as the invading disease. _BJ
The disease is a leftist flight from reality that dominates so many minds within the increasingly decadent western world.
As the Sci-Fi writer Philip Dick quipped, Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. Either we shall learn to deal with Reality, or we will be gone away. Reality will remain. _BrusselsJournal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The symptom, in the West, is as old as the Goths and the Huns. But the disease is as old as the end of the Roman Empire, and before that, the Babylonian one. Flowering followed by decadence, followed by a partial population replacement with imported barbarians, followed by chaos, internal war, and wilting.

Then the problem is us and why we continue to destroy ourselves. Increasingly the story of the West reminds me of Icarus.

I would also like to point out that this flowering then replacement has happened here in America too. The New England Puritans built a society that did incredibly well, and then they rotted into the Transcendentalist movement. Soon after Emerson and his fellow established-church ministers destroyed the moral foundations of that state the Irish poured in, and from the Irish came Ted Kennedy. Now the Irish are swimming the post-Vatican II cesspool and are beginning to be replaced with Hindus, Chinese, Dominicans, and other assorted imports.