Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No More Gazas

The war in Iraq is beginning to look less like a war and more like a rough-around-the-edges peacekeeping mission. Prematurely removing peacekeepers from the fragile and still-volatile country would, in all likelihood, reignite the war that is finally winding down. _Commentary

Senator Obama is painting himself into a blatantly irrational position on Iraq--but he genuinely has no choice. Based upon the people who have propelled him to his current front-runner candidate position, he must play the hand he has already dealt himself.

Obama must declare Iraq a "quagmire" and a "disaster", regardless of the actual situation in the real country of Iraq. It is the fictional country of "Iraq" that matters now--the country in the minds of Obama voters. As long as that fictional country is a deepening quagmire, a perpetual disaster, Obama's future as the next President Carter is assured.

Naturally, the same logic applies to Obama's position on global warming. Here, Obama's job is much easier, since global warming catastrophe hype has always been based upon computer models and fudged temperature data. If your theory is based upon fictitious numbers under the control of partisans, with the wink-wink support of "science" journalists, the theory is never in any real danger. Still, more rational people who are able to put the pieces together can easily see the absurdity in IPCC claims. These more rational people also have voices, in this new media age. Obama will need to stick with his media friends, and avoid more rational critical minds.

The current graphic image of abysmal failure is Gaza. Violence is the only export from that sad enclave of bitter religionists, full of hatred that flows from one generation to the next. Sadly, the policies that Obama promotes for Iraq are exactly the policies that would guarantee making a "Gaza-like" land of perpetual hate out of Iraq. Obama's wooly minded followers believe this is already the situation in Iraq, so they feel there is nothing to lose. How pathetically deluded.

Obama's candidacy has never truly been about logic or reason. Rather it has always been about emotion, and feelings. Obama's practised oratory is capable of moving weak-minded individuals emotionally, and that is all he needs to do for them to make them believe.

Generations of dumbing down in schools and universities--shifting from rational thought to emotional supremacy--has spawned this flock of willing dupes. They will vote and they will imagine they have done something fine.

Behind the scenes, the damage control specialists will be working overtime, often in vain. Disaster often creeps up on a society just when it thinks it set all its ducks in a row.

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