Monday, April 07, 2008

Iran Declares War on Iraq

Not officially, not yet. But Iranian forces were fighting at command level with Shia militias inside Basra recently. It is safe to say that Iran is the greatest threat to peace in Iraq at this time.
Military and intelligence sources believe Iranians were operating at a tactical command level with the Shi’ite militias fighting Iraqi security forces; some were directing operations on the ground, they think. ___Times

The current US Democratic Party controlled congress has invested deeply in the defeat of the young democratic government in Iraq. You can expect DP hacks such as Pelosi and Reid to resist the fact of direct Iranian government involvement in the killing of Iraqi civilians, Iraqi security forces, and US forces inside Iraq. But then, Pelosi has always been a minor league thinker, and Reid not much better if any.
The real question is how the surrender branch of the Democratic party (is it really only a branch?) will persuade American voters that they can both retreat in the face of a direct military confrontation with Iran -- of all countries -- and nevertheless be relied upon to defend and assert the national interest of the United States. __TigerHawk
The US government is divided between those who are working for a safer world, and those who shirk from any conflict that may advance US interests in any way.

The geopolitical world is not a nice place, on the whole. Nice guys don't make it to the top, as a rule. Crocodiles and pigs predominate. If your leaders are not reptilian crocodiles, like Putin and Hu Jintao, they may be pigs, like Pelosi.

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