Friday, April 27, 2007

US Democratic Party--Party of the People, Party of the Environment

All politicians are corrupt and hypocritical. That is a definite given, an axiom for the ages. But some parties exude particular impressions--of being the party for the common person, for example, or the party of the environment.

We know that if a member of the US Democratic Party were US President at this time, that everything would be right with the environment, that the people would know that they were being served, . . .
A flock of small jets took flight from Washington Thursday, each carrying a Democratic presidential candidate to South Carolina for the first debate of the political season.

For Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden, it was wheels up shortly after they voted in favor of legislation requiring that U.S. troops begin returning home from Iraq in the fall.

No one jet pooled, no one took commercial flights to save money, fuel or emissions.

All but Biden, who flew on a private jet, chartered their flights -- a campaign expense of between $7,500 and $9,000.

Is it possible that the general impression of the US Democratic Party could be wrong?

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