Explanatory Note: As a population gets progressively squeezed and harried by destructive political policies and top-down cultural dictates, it is inevitable that some weak links will break. Some unstable minds will come completely undone and commit unforgiveable acts such as what was done in Norway last week. The cause and the blame rest on multiple shoulders, indluding those of the authors of the dysfunctional and counter-productive policies and cultural dictates which helps push the unstable ones over the brink.
The growing polarisation of societies sometimes referred to as "The Culture War" is becoming more difficult to deny, in the wake of the tragic outbreak of violence and mayhem in Norway last week.
Norway has long prided herself on her tolerance to Islamic immigration and global jihad, and has gone out of her way to protect Muslim terrorists such as mullah Krekar. Despite the fact that all the rapes in Oslo over the past 5 years have been committed by outsiders -- non-westerners -- the leaders of Norway have papered over any problems that violence-prone outsiders may have been causing. The leaders of Norway considered themselves safe from Islamic violence, for that reason. But these same national leaders -- appeasers of violent men -- had failed to calculate the potential for a violent blowback from more traditional Norwegians, members of the core Norwegian population who prefer the country to go back to the way it was before the influx of non-assimilable outsiders.
Rank | Country of origin[14] | Population (2001)[15] | Population (2011)[16] |
1. | 6,432 | 60,610 | |
2. | 23,010 | 34,108 | |
3. | 23,581 | 31,884 | |
4. | 12,357 | 27,827 | |
5. | 10,107 | 27,523 | |
6. | 9,448 | 24,394 | |
7. | 15,880 | 20,452 | |
8. | 19,049 | 19,522 | |
9. | 11,016 | 16,957 | |
10. | 10,990 | 16,430 | |
11. | 378 | 16,309 | |
12. | 12,944 | 16,125 | |
13. | 3,749 | 15,879 | |
14. | 5,885 | 14,797 | |
15. | 10,335 | 14,017 | |
16. | 10,925 | 13,395 | |
17. | 0 [17] | 13,303 | |
18. | 3,738 | 13,293 | |
19. | 1,346 | 12,043 | |
20. | 6,140 | 10,096 | |
21. | 5,719 | 8,305 | |
22. | 3,654 | 7,895 | |
23. | 7,253 | 7,853 | |
24. | 813 | 7,728 | |
25. | 6,491 | 7,708 | |
26. | 3,848 | 7,251 | |
27. | 6,776 | 6,626 | |
28. | 3,756 | 6,022 | |
29. | 2,803 | 5,805 | |
30. | 1,054 | 5,670 | |
31. | 385 | 4,979 | |
32. | 2,350 | 4,289 | |
33. | 63 | 3,350 | |
34. | 64 | 3,340 | |
35. | 1,863 | 3,327 | |
36. | 789 | 3,244 | |
37. | 824 | 3,017 | |
38. | 0 [17] | 2,987 | |
39. | 399 | 2,918 | |
40. | 342 | 2,871 | |
41. | 842 | 2,693 | |
42. | 1,666 | 2,599 | |
43. | 1,382 | 2,577 | |
44. | 207 | 2,498 | |
45. | 1,613 | 2,476 | |
46. | 1,265 | 2,230 | |
47. | 276 | 2,183 | |
48. | 860 | 2,163 | |
49. | 1,355 | 2,116 | |
50. | 1,120 | 1,680 |
Norway is a very small country, and relatively homogeneous when compared to the US. Outsiders have a large impact, particularly when unassimilable culturally, and when present in large numbers. Norway's politicians and media can sweep outsider rape of Norwegians and other violence and crime under the rug for so long before blowback occurs.
Politicians such as the leaders of Norway and Sweden often believe that their own people have become too civilised to lash out violently against what their leaders are doing to their societies. Such politicians feel that the power of the laws, the courts, and a general culture of obedience to authority and political correctness will be enough to keep their people submissive to whatever societal changes the leaders may choose to inflict upon them.
The recent bloody tragedy in Norway suggests that there may be a bit of the berserker Viking left in Scandinavian populations, despite the long effort of regressive progressives to tame the spirit of individualism and independence among their core peoples. Regressive progressives of the western left have been generally successful over the past few decades, in using the weapons at their command -- including general control over popular media and news media -- to control their populations in the face of a wide range of provocations. But just as the female domestic partner may use her mastery of language to dominate her male partner for a long period of time, in some cases the other party may resort to his particular skills and competencies to fight back. That is just one example of when domestic violence can occur -- sometimes in a decisive way -- at the end of a long and somewhat lop-sided exchange.
Norway's sad example of bloody domestic violence appears to fit into the above mold. Norwegian citizens who object to a large scale re-arrangement of their country, have been brow-beaten and forced into submission by laws, courts, and politically correct society. They have had essentially no recourse to the course their leaders have set for their nation. But historically, humans have used violence to settle disputes far more frequently than they have used laws, courts, and the use of societal disapproval.
Governments which forget the lessons of history -- that they govern at the consent of their citizens or they do not govern for long -- will be reminded of those harsh lessons sooner or later.
Inside the continental United States, the borders of the "culture war" can be seen by looking at a national election map at county-level resolution. The red counties lean away from the regressive progressive agenda. The blue counties lean toward the agenda of government dependency, and shifting the balance of power away from citizens and toward central government.
Civilisations rise and fall based upon the ability of its citizens and organsations to work together toward a common stability, lingua franca, culture, security, and markets. If the forces of dissolution and neo-tribalisation become stronger than the forces of cohesion, the civilisation will tear itself apart.
What happened in Norway is the sign of a society in the process of tearing itself apart. The government of Norway, and other leftist European governments, will attempt to double down on the use of laws, courts, media, and popular culture and political correctness, to take advantage of the rare violent episode from the Norwegian nationalist side. Taking that path will drive their country even deeper into the maelstrom of polarisation, and closer to large scale bloody confrontations.
Marginalising Norwegian traditionalists will result in a hardening of both sides of the culture war. It will push the crimes of non-western immigrants even further under the media carpet. It will make it easier for violent jihadists to plan and execute acts of intimidation and murder. But it is what the dysfunctional Norwegian government -- and the governments of other dysfunctional European nations -- are likely to do.
Despite all the denials, the culture war is very active. But until now, it had not been particularly violent, except on the part of government agencies enforcing political correctness.
In the US, after the violent Oklahoma City reaction to the government's Ruby Ridge and Waco adventures, came 9/11. After the US Clinton administration had declared "right wing terrorism" as the true enemy, and let down their guard against dangers from global jihadist supremacism, the jihad stepped into the breech and took advantage of the regressive progressive self-blinding. Let us hope that a similar catastrophe does not befall Europe, in its headlong rush to blame its own traditionalists for all of Europe's growing problems of immigration-spawned violence.
More: The perpetrator of the bloody Norwegian massacre also intended to attack oil and gas platforms and a BP oil company base. The man has written a 1500 page manifesto detailing his grievances and his terror plans of vengeance. Fortunately there are not many persons at this extreme in Norway or any other modern nation.
Some persons who have committed mass murders in the past were later found to be suffering from brain tumours or other serious diseases affecting their mental states.
Despite the outlier nature of this event and this perpetrator, the tragedy should be seen as a warning call to the Norwegian government and other European governments who are pressing the politically correct multicultural agenda against the best interests of their native populations. It is often the outliers -- the canaries in the coal mines -- that tell us that something is going wrong. If European governments cannot interpret the meaning of this event appropriately, they are in for a world of pain.
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