Monday, February 25, 2008

Obama -- Running for President, or Caliph?

Senator Obama appears to have a rather mysterious past. Obama is clearly qualified to be Senator, or any other political job where not much is expected in terms of genuine wisdom, leadership, or accomplishment. But is he qualified for a job that requires him to represent all the people?

The photo above suggests more than a passing "muslim connection" on the part of the very junior Illinois senator. What other possible complications currently lie hidden, buried in obscurity by a hopeful campaign staff? Shelby Steele looked into Senator Obama's past, writing about it in "A Bound Man."

But for anyone who believes that a US President needs to be president of all the people, not just of a small but vocal minority, a simple reading of Obama's 1995 pre-autobiography, "Dreams from my Father", should be enough to show that until Obama does a lot of explaining, he is simply not a big enough man to be US President.

Most Americans would like to be able to vote for a black candidate, or--as in Obama's case--a mixed race candidate. The important thing in voting for a candidate is not his race or gender, however. It is his qualifications for the job.

Update: It keeps getting better: Louis Farrakhan has endorsed Obama for President!

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